Friday, October 10, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to work i go

So as most of you know (well all of the one person that i know of that reads my blog) work hasn't been going so well for me. The FD was flailing (much like failing but with crazy arms) and my hours has been severly cut back. Well in a bitter sweet decision the land lord has taken over the shop and is making drastic much needed changes. Although since i have like no hours i have yet to see said changes but and looking forward to while i host rock band tonight.

and on a stranger note i had applied to a few places since the shop wasn't doing so hot and no one had called me back except Chipotle but they couldn't hire me because they are slow too. well yesterday i got a call from Bev Mo have have an interview this coming wednesday. my only reservation is that i think they are only hiring seasonal employees so i don't want to leave the FD for a seasonal job... what do i do?