Monday, February 2, 2009


I realize at times i can be a very trying person :) but right now is a very trying time in life for me. I feel like i can do nothing right at work. Why am i a manager? I want to do well and be a good manager, but i have no help in doing so... it's the blind leading the blind. Why can't others see this? Why did i have to get the 15 min lecture yesterday?

sigh. and most of it over a sigh.

i want to be myself and i want to be good at it. i don't want to be in conflict. i want to not have to play games to figure out what someone is really trying to say. i want to be able to say what i mean well.

i want this semester to be better, best.

i'll make myself feel better by looking up plan tickets to visit my friend Carrie in April :)


Courtney said...

So are you going to Chicago??? Did you book a ticket?

mrs. koch said...

yay for you looking up plane tickets!!! woooo.

and be comforted. we are all in constant change. God just calls us to rely on Him - not to be flawless. although that's sometimes hard for we's true :)